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iVMS Vehicle

Monitor, Track & Adapt your Driver Behavior with our Personalised Vehicle Managment Solution.


What We Offer

Vehicle Clone Protection

This unique services will protect you from the cost and stress of dealing with any unlawfully issued parking tickets and speeding fines or crimes committed by others impersonating your vehicle.

Driver Behaviour and Analysis

Gain valuable insights into driving behaviour and vehicle usage patterns via app, email, web portal or a format convenient to you.

iVMS Real-Time Vehicle Tracking

iVMS Doesn’t deal with guess estimates, we can show you exactly where your vehicle is located, where it has been and where it is scheduled to go with our pinpoint GPS service.

Fleet Maintenance

Manage any fleet-related tasks remotely or surface critical data anytime, anywhere with our fleet management dashboard. All our vehicle and driver information will be centralised in one place.


iVMS has innovated advanced technology that can detect the onset of dementia approximately 7 years in advnace through driving behavior. Allowing people to recieve early intervention, which is key to their future progress.

AI Vehicle Checking Manager

Driver checks will be carried out via the VMS App, and each check will be verified via the app through a live photo upload which will be verified by GPS location, time and location of the picture taken.

Top 5 Features of iVMS Group



5 + 2 =


Endorsed by the Business Industry

We Are Professionals

We are Qualified & Profesional

We can detect a variety of DTC error codes on your vehicle.
Whether you are managing a fleet of vehicles or are a single use driver, we can update you on what is wrong with your vehicle in real time, so that you can accurately plan your schedule without any sudden mis-haps. An additional great cost saving feature of viewing DTC error codes is that you are aware of what is wrong with your vehicle.

So you can arrange a mechanic that is suitable for you at a price that is friendly for your budget without being over billed by mechanics for work that is not required. iVMS can also provide support to many vehicles with the ability to clear the engine fault codes on the dashboard, making trips to the mechanic minimal and cost saving.



0203 925 7895



8 The Green Suite A in the city of Dover. Zip code 19901.





Monitor, Track & Adapt your Driver Behavior with our Personlised Vehicle Management Solution.

Contact us: 02036035537  |  info@vmsinnovations.com

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